Tomb Raider 2: Dagger of Xian Walkthrough & Game Guide

Level 16: Floating Islands

(Note about the enemies – Lara will encounter flying warriors in this level. Their appearance is slow, so it is quite difficult to immediately spot them when you trigger them. You can easily kill them even with the Pistols, as long as you start shooting when Lara aims at them. Once they are dead, they explode.)

When the level begins, the next block ahead triggers a flying warrior that comes from the far right. Draw weapons and start shooting as soon as he appears. He will drop dead before he reaches you. If you want, you can totally avoid him. To do that, turn left and drop to the sandy ledge below. Beyond, you can see a Small Medi Pack, almost at the edge. Pick it up and climb back on the walkway where you started.

(Note – If you take a look below where you got the Medi Pack, you will see a green statue. This is how the warriors look like before you trigger them. You can go down using the blocks and take a look at the statue, but do not jump on the ledge at the bottom of the ramp at the other side, because this action will awake him.)

Getting into the grated building – Walk to the edge of the walkway and take look at the two slopes that bend upwards and create an upside down V. To the left is another green structure with a slope. Tap back once and take a standing jump to the left hand slope of the V, jump to the slope of the green structure and jump to grab the edge of the gold grated building (see this screenshot if you are not sure where you need to jump). Pull up and use the switch at the other side to open a trapdoor elsewhere and the gate at the end of the passage on the right.

(Note - If you miss the last grab, you will land on the slide below that gets you on a ledge, awaking a flying warrior from the left. It is the green statue you saw before. Once you kill it, climb up the blocks to reach the walkway at the beginning of the level. Then try again.)

You now need to reach the floating building at the other side of the area and there are two ways. Choose the one you want and follow the Common Route below.

Reaching the floating building\ 1st way – Approach the gate you opened by using the switch and slide down backwards, pressing Action to grab the edge. Pull up and back-flip to the slide behind in order to reach the floating building (see this screenshot to get oriented). One of the three warriors from the left has already come to life. Do not hesitate and run to the right towards the floating green island. When you reach the edge, the second warrior awakens, so jump on the island and kill both from safety. Take a running jump to grab the island with the Mystic Plaque #1 and pull up. Since the distance between the two islands is somehow long, you may not need to press Action until the very last moment – and make sure you jump at a straight line from the left part of the first island, parallel to the left edge. Pick up the Plaque, take a running jump to the previous island and jump where the floating building is.

Reaching the floating building\ 2nd way – Walk back to the entrance of the grated building and take a running jump to the slope of the V (the one you slid down before). Grab the edge and drop to the ledge below (as shown here). If you did not miss the grab before and trigger the warrior, do not bother with the slide beneath the entrance. Do not waste your time for the warrior, unless you are interested in all kills. However, if you decide to do that, climb up the blocks to reach the walkway where you started the level and again jump to the left hand slope of the V. Make sure you slide backwards in order to grab the edge. Then drop to the ledge below. Take a running jump to the floating island with the Mystic Plaque #1 and pick up the latter. Take a running jump to the next floating island and jump where the floating building is. One of the three warriors beyond awakens, so jump back to the island and kill him from safety.

[Note – By following the 2nd way, one of the warriors will never awaken, unless you trigger him. If you are interested in all kills, go to the left (as you face the warriors). There is a slide that begins from the gate of the grated building. The last part of the slide triggers the warrior, so jump there, grab the edge, pull up and back-flip on the slide behind (as shown here). Quickly run and jump to the last floating island and kill him from safety.]

Common Route - Pull into the floating building and pick up the two sets of Uzi Clips, Flares and Large Medi Pack. When you step above the Mystic Plaque #2, the third warrior awakens. You can shoot him from above and through the trapdoor or drop down and run/ jump to the safe floating island.

[Note – If you came to this part of the level and the trapdoor of the floating building is not open, you missed a switch which is located in the grated building above. To reach that building, jump on the green floating island opposite the warriors. Take a running jump to the next floating island (where you got the Mystic Plaque #1) and another running jump to the ledge ahead. Take a look above to the right to spot the entrance of the grated building. Set up a good running jump to land on the slope beneath the entrance. If you have not been to this area before, draw weapons and kill the warrior that awakens. Climb up the blocks on the other side to reach the walkway where you started the level. Refer above to the part of the walkthrough Getting into the grated building.]

1st Secret – Climb on the block to the left of the warriors, where the tree is. Turn around and take a standing jump to grab the roof of the building (as shown here). Pull up and pick up the Jade Dragon. Safely drop to the ground.

Once you have both Plaques – Facing the ledge where the warriors were, go to the right. Hang from the edge, release and grab the ledge below. Pull up and use the switch on the left hand side to lower the gate on the other side. Take a running jump to the doorway and walk on the gate.

Climbing up the green islands – Take a running jump to the green island ahead. Go to the other side, turn left and jump over the slide to land on the flat part. Take a running jump to grab the lowest part of the second island and pull up. Do not follow this island that bends upwards. Instead, take a running jump to grab the small square island and pull up. Take another running jump to grab the lower block of the next island (the one that has four blocks). Pull up and climb up the blocks to reach the topmost one. Turn right and take a running jump to the next island.

To the left is the Temple and you can see the two green statues alongside the entrance. To the right is the way that leads to the top of the grated building. There is no a particular reason for going there, unless you want all the kills. By reaching the end of the island, you awaken the first warrior. By stepping on top of the building you awaken the second warrior. If you are not interested, ignore this part of the island and take a running jump to grab the ledge in front of the Temple. Pull up and pick up the two sets of Uzi Clips. Place the two Plaques to the receptacles to open the doors.

Temple yard – When you enter the yard, you trigger a flying warrior that comes from the left hand part of the bridge. He flies slowly, so draw weapons and kill him as he approaches. Return to the yard and pick up the two sets of Automatic Pistol Clips from the bottom right corner.

2nd Secret – There is a dark opening behind the tree, to the left where you got the Clips (see this screenshot if you cannot find the opening). Take a standing jump over the slide and follow the passage to slide on a ledge with the Silver Dragon. Pick up it and take a diagonal standing jump back to the passage. Return to the entrance of the Temple.

Facing the bridge, go to the left and take a standing jump over the slide to land close to the green rolling boulder. Stand with the boulder to your back and back-flip over it. You will start sliding backwards a ramp, triggering the boulder. When you land on the flat ledge, immediately hop backwards to grab the edge. The boulder will pass over Lara's head, but do not pull up yet. Another boulder rolls from behind, passing over Lara again. Now you can pull up. Alternatively, as you slide down the ramp and land on even ground, back-flip to land on the ramp behind, as the first boulder will be rolling on the first ramp and falling in the abyss. Immediately jump forwards to land on the even ledge of the first ramp to avoid the second boulder that rolls behind you on the second ramp.

Turn around and jump over the gap. Walk up to the flat part of the ramp and turn right. Take a running jump to grab the floating island and pull up. The green statue on the ledge awakens later, so approach the zip line. Grab the handle and ride down. Do not ride to the end! Release to drop to the lower bridge.

Lower bridge – When you enter the room, a curtain rises up, revealing three green statues. Also, notice the zip line on the right hand side, because you may need it in a while. The first warrior awakens as you approach, so take care of him using a powerful weapon (like the Grenade Launcher). The other two awakens when you use the switch that opens the gate beneath the lower bridge. You can either deal with them or totally avoid them, as you are not coming back here. If you decide for the latter (although you will have a second chance to kill them later), you may have troubles grabbing the handle of the zip line, because the warriors are fast and can reach you before you manage to angle Lara correctly to the spot. In that case, slide down the slope beneath the zip line and just before reaching the edge, jump to grab the ladder. If you manage to grab the handle, release Action before reaching the ladder and press it again to grab it.

Climb to the top, then climb up the next ladder and back-flip or dismount to the right. Grab the edge of the doorway, shimmy left and drop down. Turn left and enter the room. Notice the green block, because you will leave from here. For now, drop through the opening and draw weapons. The warrior above awakens, so start shooting. Once he is dead, pick up the Small Medi Pack from the far right and climb back up. Climb on the green block, turn around and climb on the red roof. Either climb through the opening ahead or take a standing jump over the sloped part of the roof to land on the ramp where the first boulder rolled (as shown here).

Make your way back to the floating island with the zip line and pull up. Ride the zip line, pass over the lower bridge and drop to the ledge of the entrance. If you ignored the two warriors before, they will be most probably running on the bridge. You can take care of them from here if you want all the kills.

Inside the Temple – From the entrance, notice the platform with the pillar on the left. You need to reach it, so take a running jump to grab it and pull up (as shown in this screenshot). If you drop down or ride the zip line to the end, you will have to use the movable block and push/ pull it beneath the edge of the platform (see here). Just be careful of the throwing blades. Then climb on the block, jump up to grab the platform and pull up. Or, if you do not want to be bothered with the block, jump up to grab the slide next to entrance (as shown here), pull up and press Jump to back-flip on the platform.

A flying warrior comes from the other side of the lava pit. Start shooting as soon as he appears and he will explode before he reaches you. Also, a second warrior will come from the lava opening if you jump and explore the other side. Since there is nothing interesting there, do not bother.

Once on the platform, use the switch to release the hanging block from the pillar on the left, which will fall in the lava pit below. Carefully drop to the ground. Go beneath the entrance, hang from edge of the pit and drop to the block below. There are throwing blades here, so carefully drop to the lower ledge and from the back take a standing jump to land on the block in the lava. Use the switch in the alcove to open a trapdoor in the lava pool above. Carefully climb out of the pit the same way you came.

Jumping through the lava's trapdoor - Make your way to the platform where you used the switch. Climb on the wall that overlooks the lava pool and pick up the two sets of M-16 Clips. Take a running jump, pressing Action in midair to drop through the trapdoor. Get the Shotgun Shells from the bottom and use the switch on the other side to open a door above the opening where the zip line ends. Swim back and through the opening on the left. Follow the tunnel to reach a room with throwing and moving blades. Climb on the ledge with the switch that stops everything that moves and wave to the other side. Climb into the passage above, being careful of the other throwing blades.

The left way leads to some spikes and there is nothing you can do there. Go to the right where the zip line ends and take a running jump to the right hand side. Push\ pull the movable block close to the opening you just came from (see this screenshot to get oriented). Climb on the block and jump to the opening above. Follow the passage, passing a closed gate. At the end, take a diagonal running jump above the spikes to land in the alcove at the other side, pressing Action to lower Lara's arch. Alternatively, take a running jump to grab the crevice ahead, shimmy right and pull up. Use the switch to open the gate you bypassed before and take a running jump back to the opening you came from, pressing Action to lower Lara's arch.

Room with cage – Go through the gate. The two warriors awaken later, so approach the opening in the middle of the room and slide down the ramp which is closest to the entrance. Press Action to grab the edge and release to land into a cage. There are four guys that are running around, outside the cage. For your information, these guys throw knifes that can take a lot of your health. Use the switch on the block to raise the cage. The guys may enter, so quickly roll, run and climb on the ledge next to the slide you came from. Use the column for cover and kill them all.

There are also four statues outside the cage. Three warriors awaken when you exit: two of them when you exit from the right and one when you exit from the left hand side – facing the switch. The fourth warrior awakens when you approach it (the right hand one as you face the switch). So, awaken them and climb on the ledge as you did before. If they leave, hang from the edge to lure them back. Whatever method you use to kill them, be careful of the lava pit around the cage!

Once you are done with them, pick up the goodies from the four dead bodies: one Large and one Small Medi Pack, three Shotgun Shells and three sets of Uzi Clips. Use the two switches in the alcoves to open two gates: the exit gate at the other side of the room and one of the gates in the room above. Go to the other side with your weapons drawn and kill the guy that appears. Pick up his Large Medi Pack and Automatic Pistol Clips and go up the stairs, picking up two pairs of Grenades on your way.

The switch at the top of the stairs opens the gate and awakens the two warriors outside. Once you use it, use it again to close the gate. The warriors will come just outside, trying to burst in. Draw weapons and kill them (yes, through the gate). Be careful though. As you are able to shoot them through the gate, they can also stab you through it. So, do not stay close to the gate. Once they are history, use the switch to open the gate and exit. Alternatively, open the gate and quickly exit and drop through the opening as you did before to reach the room with the cage. The warriors will come down from the stairs, so use the ledge next to the slide to kill them. Hang from the edge if necessary to lure them. Then return back.

Go through the other gate to reach a room with a lava pit with spikes. Climb up the ladder. When you see the wall on your left, back-flip pressing Roll and Action at the same time to twist in midair and grab the ladder behind. Climb up a bit, then climb to the left. Notice the different tile on the ladder (as shown in this screenshot). Position Lara somewhere in the middle of this tile and again back-flip, twisting in midair to grab the ladder behind. Climb to the very left, then to the top. Pull onto the slide, back-flip to the slide behind and keep pressing the Jump button along with the left direction key to land on the flat ledge.

Quickly draw weapons and kill the guy from the left, being careful of the throwing blades. Once he is dead, pick up his Shotgun Shells. Carefully stand in front of the movable block and pull it once. Climb on it, drop to the other side and push it once to position it beneath the zip line.

3rd Secret – Do not use the zip line or you will miss the level's final Secret. Take a running jump to the rocks on the left and go to the other side, close to the opening. Jump across the gap to land on a flat ledge and turn around. Take a running jump to land in the tunnel beneath the extended ledge (as shown here). Follow it to the end and climb up the blocks to reach a balcony above the Temple's yard. Pick up the Gold Dragon (plus eight pairs of Grenades as a reward for finding all the Secrets). Return back to the entrance of the tunnel and take a running jump to grab the slide on the left of the flat ledge. Pull up and back-flip to the extended ledge (see here to get oriented).

Jump into the doorway to end the level.


« Level 15: Temple of Xian Index Level 17: The Dragon's Lair »

We would like to thank Nicky for her help. Many parts of this walkthrough would not have been written without her participation.
Last update:
30 September 2007: Text has been proofed and screenshots have been added.

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