Tomb Raider 1: Atlantean Scion Walkthrough & Game Guide

Level 5: St. Francis' Folly

The FMV shows Lara at the top of an elevator. She lights a blowtorch and starts cutting through a cable that holds the elevator (she probably did not find any unsecured door). When the cable is cut, the weight on the other side starts falling down and Lara hoists up. She releases the cable and she lands on the roof of Natla's Technologies building.

It is obvious that Lara rummaged Natla's office. She found a journal in one of the cabinets and she now starts reading. As she reads, we also hear the voice of the monk who wrote the journal entry. He and his brothers relocated to St. Francis' Folly and new temptations torment him. Tihocan, one of the three rulers of the lost continent of Atlantis, is entombed beneath their monastery. With him lies his piece of the Scion which was divided and shared between the three rulers. Whilst Lara reads this, she compares the piece she has with the one in the book.

We then see Lara reaching Europe. She climbs to the entrance of the monastery and finds a campsite outside the front door. She picks up a can and realizes that someone else was here before her. "Pierre... You litterbug!"

Room with tall pillars - As soon as the level begins, draw weapons and proceed ahead. Two lions will attack, so climb on either of the ledges alongside and kill them from safety. Then enter the area with the pillars and go to the right. Here you can see a movable block and two Greek (omega) letters on the floor. Push\ pull the block onto the symbol that is closest to the entrance (as shown here). The camera will show you a closed door on a ledge, which is exactly above the entrance. Although the door does not open now, you MUST position the block on this tile, because this along with a switch will open the door. Now push\ pull the block onto the other omega letter to open the door on the other side of the room. Then push it to the end of the depression, because you will need it there in a few minutes (as shown here).

Go towards the door you just opened. Stand at the entrance (that is, do not step on the omega letter) and Lara will aim at one of the two gorillas that come down the steps alongside. Start shooting whilst jumping backwards. Once they are both dead, enter the room. On stepping on the omega letter, the door closes (if you jump over it, the door will remain open). Use the switch ahead to open the door on the ledge outside, and release a gorilla from nowhere, who comes down the left hand steps. Kill it and if the door of the room is closed, go up the right hand steps and use the switch to open it. If the door is open, the switch will close it.

Dealing with Pierre - Exit the room, but back up into the doorway. Pierre is running around the pillars. Stay at the entrance and draw your Pistols. Do not use a powerful weapon, because you cannot kill Pierre. You just need to make him go away, and here is a strategy for not losing health at all. Stay in the doorway (as shown here) and as soon as Lara aims at Pierre, start shooting. Keep pressing Action even if Lara does not shoot him. This way, Lara will lock the target and shoot Pierre whenever he appears. At least in the PC version, whilst Pierre is running around, the camera pans back a bit, moves to the left and right and follows Pierre, as long as you have locked the target. You will realize that Pierre is gone, when the camera shifts back to normal view.

[Note - The above screenshot was taken when the camera was moving in order to follow Pierre (notice the angle), whilst this one was taken when the camera returned back to Lara.]

Return back to the movable block and make sure you have pushed it to the end of the depression. Climb on it and turn to face the next pillar. Walk up to the edge and take a standing jump to grab it, making sure you press Action as soon as you jump off. If you are late, you will not give enough time to Lara in order to grab the pillar, and she will bump on it, ending on the ground. Once you grab it, pull up.

1st Secret - Turn left and take a running jump to the next pillar. Take another running jump to the square ledge on the left hand wall. Enter the small room. Here you can see two slopes: one on each side of the doorway. You need to reach the upper ledge of the room by using the two slopes, and here is how: Stand against the left hand slope and side-step close to the entrance. Lara's left foot must be somewhere in the floor's line with the arrows (as shown in this screenshot). Take one step back and jump on the slide. Keep pressing Jump and Lara will back-flip on the slope behind. With Jump still compressed, press Action to grab the ledge. Pull up.

Here you can see two more slopes: a low and a higher one. Facing the low slope, step back until Lara's back touches the high slope (as shown here). Jump forwards and onto the low slope. Keep pressing Jump and Lara will back-flip onto the higher slope. Do not let go of the Jump button and you will jump off the slope. Press Action to grab the ledge. Pull up and avoid the decrepit crumbling floor ahead. It is a long drop down and you will kill Lara. Pick up the Shotgun Shells and the Large Medi Pack and make your way down.

Back to the area with the pillars - Take a running jump to the pillar you came from and a standing jump to the one on the right. Turn left and jump to grab the next pillar with the Large Medi Pack. Pull up, pick up the Medi Pack and take a running jump to the left hand brown ledge on the opposite wall. Continue to the left, taking running jumps for each of the next two squares ledges. Then jump on the platform in front of the door and go through it. Follow the passage, but stop before sliding down.

2nd Secret - The PC players may want to save their game before attempting to get the Secret. Turn having the long ramp to your back and slide down backwards. Press Action whilst sliding down to grab the edge of the ramp. There is a short ramp exactly below that will help you reach the opening behind you. Pull onto the long ramp you just slid and let go of Action. Lara will slide back and land on the short ramp. Before she does the latter, press Jump. Lara lands on the correct spot of the short ramp and by pressing Jump, you back-flip into the opening. Once you make it, pick up the Shotgun Shells (or the Shotgun if you do not have it) and the Small Medi Pack from the two corners of the room.

3rd Secret - Drop through the opening opposite the one you came from. Do NOT use the switch now. Proceed to the edge of the platform and if you can, kill the crocodile. Then jump into the water and swim to the middle of the tunnel. Alternatively, you can kill the crocodile from the opening you came from and jump into the water from there. Then swim through the tunnel which leads to the same opening. Surface in the opening in the ceiling and climb out of the water. Pick up the Shotgun Shells and drop back into the water.

Swim to the other side of the tunnel (away from the gates) and climb out of the water and onto the platform with the switch. Use it to drain the room below and open the gates. If you did not kill the crocodile before, hang from the edge of the platform to lure it, then pull up and shoot it. Once it is dead, drop down and follow the tunnel past the open gates. Go up the steps on the right hand side and you will reach a room with many platforms and walkways.

Room with platforms and walkways - (The PS players will find a Save Crystal here.) The deal here is to find four switches (all on the central structure) and open four doors. Each door hides one key, and all four keys will open the exit door, which is located at the bottom of this tall room.

THOR Switch - Take a running jump to the central structure and kill the three bats that attack. Walk to the other side and drop to the lower ledge. Use the switch to open the THOR door. If you jump to the other side of the structure, you will have to deal with three more bats. And if you want all the kills, turn to face the entrance and take a running jump to the steps on the left hand side. A bat will attack, so kill it. Then jump back close to the THOR switch.

4th Secret - Before going on with the level, let's go for a Secret. Jump back close to the THOR switch. Take a look on the opposite walkway and you will see a gray tile. Take a running jump on it and a door on the ground will open. It is timed, but as long as you stay on the tile, the countdown does not start, so position Lara taking your time. Also, make sure you have enough health, because you will make long drops down and you need at least half of your health.

Turn with the THOR switch on your left and stand at the back of the tile (as shown in this screenshot). Now hop back twice, pressing Action to grab the edge. Release to drop to the walkway below. Jump backwards to reach the edge of the walkway and hop back to drop to the lower one. Two bats will attack here, but do not hesitate. You can go on with your business, shooting at the same time or totally ignore them for now. Run forwards, jumping at the same time and you will land on the ground. The door is exactly ahead. Quickly go through it. Pick up the Large Medi Pack and Magnum Clips. If you did not kill the bats before, they may have entered the room or you will have to deal with them as soon as you exit through the door, which opens as you approach.

Ground\ ATLAS switch - Exit the room and use the switch on the side of one of the columns in order to open the ATLAS door. (The PS players will find a Save Crystal here.) Go up the steps and at the end jump up to grab the walkway above. Pull up and proceed to the end. Jump to the walkway with the Magnum Clips, draw weapons and kill the bat. Then pick up the Clips.

NEPTUNE switch - Jump back to the previous walkway and go almost to the middle. Turn to face the central structure and take a running jump to grab it. Pull up and use the switch to open the NEPTUNE door. (The PS players will find a Save Crystal here.)

With the switch to your back, take a look at the far left corner of the room. You will see the DAMOCLES door, which is now closed. Take a running jump there and pull onto the ledge above the door, where you will find a Large Medi Pack. Then drop back down. Go up the short steps opposite the door and take a standing jump to grab the higher platform of the central structure. Pull up. Here you can see the THOR door. You can enter now if you want, but we will open the remaining DAMOCLES door and then do the hunting. If you want the maximum amount of kills, take a running jump on the right hand walkway, where two bats will attack. Then jump back to the central structure.

DAMOCLES switch - Proceed ahead and to the end of the platform. Turn right and jump to grab the higher part of the steps. Pull up and vault onto the right hand ledge. Two bats will attack, so get rid of them. Turn right and jump to the central structure. You can see the steps ahead. Exactly behind, you can find the switch that opens the DAMOCLES door. Once you use it, turn left and take a running jump to the walkway with the Small Medi Pack. Pick it up and jump back to the central platform. (The PS players will find a Save Crystal here.) Vault onto the higher step and pull Lara onto the platform with the THOR switch. Finally, pull onto the top of the central structure.

Through NEPTUNE door - Take a running jump to the ledge in front of the NEPTUNE door. Go through it and jump into the water. The current will pull you down. You can see the closed gate ahead. The lever that opens the door is in the opening on the left hand wall. Use the lever, swim through the gate and get the Neptune Key. There is no current anymore, so you can swim back and surface. Climb out of the water and exit the NEPTUNE room.

Pierre is now lurking on the ground. He will not hesitate to shoot Lara, so try not moving to the outer part of the central structure unless it is necessary.

Through ATLAS door - Take a running jump to the central structure and carefully drop to the platform with the THOR switch. Then drop to the lower platform and go through the ATLAS door. Draw weapons and kill the gorilla. Go to the other side of the room and step on the omega letter. This will open the gate ahead, so you can enter. Do that and the gate will close behind you. Drop into the left hand pit and pick up the Small Medi Pack. Then climb back up.

The boulder will start rolling when you step on the square just before where the floor bends a bit upwards. When you step on that square, back-flip twice and hop back to drop into the pit. Press forward to stick to the front side and the boulder will pass over Lara's head. When the boulder stops, the gate opens. Climb back up and proceed ahead. Climb into the left hand opening and then onto the walkway above. Pick up the Atlas Key and drop back down. Exit the ATLAS room.

Through THOR door - Return to the central structure and carefully drop to the lower platform. Go through the THOR door and follow the passage. When you enter the next room, lightning will start hitting the gray tiles on the floors. However, this does not mean that it will not hit Lara if she walks on the other (normal) tiles. To leave this room intact, go towards the right hand wall. Then turn left. Do not stay here for long, because the lightning may hit Lara. Now start running towards the gray tile ahead, but before reaching it, jump pressing the Walk button at the same time to perform the swan dive. That way, you will jump covering more distance, thus landing behind the pillar, where it is safe (this screenshot shows the procedure).

In the next room, you can see the giant hammer above. Step on the omega letter and when you hear the "crack" noise, hop back. The hammer will fall onto the tile, hopefully without Lara beneath. This made a movable block fall down and you can find it behind the hammer. Push it towards the right hand wall (if the entrance is to your back) and climb on it. Then climb on the walkway above and turn right. Here you can see another movable block. Climb on it and drop on the other side. Push it to the end, climb on it, then climb on the ledge with the Small Medi Pack. Take a running jump to grab the opposite walkway and enter the short passage with the Thor Key at the end. Pick it up and make your way down the same way you came. Repeat the swan dive method in the lightning room and exit.

Through DAMOCLES door - Return to the central structure and carefully drop to the lower platform. Take a look around to locate the DAMOCLES door. Take a running jump there and enter. The swords from the ceiling are harmless now, so proceed without fear. Go to the other side of the room and the door will open as you approach. Enter the room and climb on the block. Pick up the Damocles Key. Jump up to grab the ledge above and pull up. Get the Small Medi Pack and Shotgun Shells and drop back down. Now proceed carefully.

The swords have been activated (you can see the shadows rotating). The first will fall into the doorway (!) so be careful because none fall in the middle of the square. They will try to get Lara, so they will fall down diagonally. The shadows on the floor will tell you where the swords hang from, but you cannot predict where they will fall. We also suggest that you exit from the left hand side of the doorway, because the first sword from outside falls on the right.

When you exit, you will have to deal with Pierre and two lions. Do not drop down, simply kill the lions from above. Then take care of Pierre. Again, you cannot kill him and you just have to make him go away, so use the Pistols with unlimited ammo. Once you are done with them, drop down and use the four Keys to unlock the door. Go through it to end the level.


« Level 4: Tomb of Qualopec Index Level 6: Colosseum »

We would like to thank Nicky for her help. Many parts of this walkthrough would not have been written without her participation. Special thanks to George Maciver for proofing the text.
Last update: 16 Dec. 2006

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