Tomb Raider 2: Dagger of Xian Walkthrough & Game Guide

Level 15: Temple of Xian

(Note – This level is full of traps and obstacles, so make sure you save frequently. Do not say we did not warn you!)

Proceed through the next two small rooms to reach a walkway with a pedestal at the end. The Dagger of Xian is laying on it, but you cannot get it now. All the platforms around the pedestal break away and an invisible wall covers the pedestal itself, which means that you cannot jump there. There is a long ramp below which ends in a pool, but you have to avoid a couple of traps.

If you want to lose the least percent of health, here is how: Light a Flare to see clearly and walk on the walkway to reach the dark platform at the end, which breaks away when you step on it. Turn around and stand just before the platform. Hop backwards to land on a slide and do not press anything. Lara will land on the long ramp below without losing health. You will start sliding backwards, but do not twist in midair to face forward. Do not press the Look button to break the camera because it will help you to locate the moving blade. Before you reach it, press Jump to clear it. The boulder has already started to roll, but you will avoid it in a while. Press Action to grab the edge of the ramp and the boulder will pass over Lara's head and land below. Release to drop to the lower ramp and continue sliding forwards.

1st Secret – When you reach the waterfall slide, press Jump and Roll to twist in midair, before reaching the edge (you will lose some health, but it is minor). Press Action to grab the edge of the waterfall and shimmy to the left. Pull into the alcove and pick up the Gold Dragon.

[Note – Facing the pool, if you take a look on the left, you will see a ladder that leads to an opening with a Large Medi Pack (as shown here). Like in Palace Midas of the original Tomb Raider, this is Core's inside joke. You cannot reach the Medi Pack, because the ladder is not climbable, so do not bother jumping to the rocks below. You can reach the rock opposite the ladder (not the one exactly below) but this will happen later in the game.]

Main pool - Jump into the water and the current will drag you to another pool below. Locate the wooden ledge opposite the waterfall and climb on it. Shoot the two fishes that are lurking in the water from here.

Entrance of the Temple - Facing the waterfall, there are two openings on the right that lead to the same place. Jump into the water and follow either opening to reach the entrance of the Temple. Climb on the rocks to the left and pick up the Shotgun Shells. When you approach the stairs, a tiger attacks from the left, so quickly jump backwards and into the water again. Stand with the water at Lara's waist and kill the tiger from safety. When you reach the third step of the stairs, a second tiger emerges from the top right, so start jumping backwards to kill it.

Go to the left of the Temple and stand just outside the platform (the pool should be on your right). Run forwards to step on the platform, which will toss you up, and do not press anything. That way you will land on the roof intact. Go around the perimeter of the roof and use the switch to open a trapdoor back in the big pool. Draw weapons and wait for a falcon to show up from the other side. Take care of it and drop to the ground. Swim back to the big pool and climb on the wooden platform. Climb up the ladder and through the trapdoor you just opened. When you reach the top, draw weapons and kill the spider that is coming towards you.

Room with lava pool – Drop to the ledge at the end of the passage to reach a room with a lava pool. Turn around and drop backwards to grab the edge. Hang where the ladder is and start climbing down. Climb to the very bottom (make Lara hang just with her hands), release and grab the ladder below. Pull up and drop backwards if Lara placed her legs on the ladder, and start shimmying to the left. When you pass the crevice, pull up and go to the left. Drop backwards to grab the ladder and again climb to the bottom. Release, grab the ladder below and pull up.

2nd Secret – Go to the right and grab the edge of the ledge. Pass the crevice and pull up. Pick up the Silver Dragon and make your way back the same way you came.

Now go to the left and turn around before reaching the end of the ledge; kill the spider. Jump to grab the ladder and climb to the top. Climb up the next ladder and follow the passage. Carefully drop into the room with the spiked pit. Grab the ladder from the left hand side, climb until the crevice and traverse to the right. As you pass above the spiked pit, the camera shows you more spikes above and a safe ledge on the right. Back-flip to the slide behind and keep pressing the Jump button to land on the safe ledge (as shown in this screenshot).

Walk to the edge of the slope ahead and stand above the decrepit floor. Drop on it, run and stand on the last tile. It will collapse and you will land onto the block below. Pick up the Shotgun Shells. Take a standing jump above the lava pool to grab the edge of the opening and pull up. You will start sliding, so jump over the spikes to land on the sloped rock ahead. Keep pressing the Jump button along with Action to grab the high block; pull up. Run off the block to the right and onto the slide to land above the Grenades.

Climb on the flat block (as shown here) and then on the next ledge. Jump up to grab the crevice, shimmy left and pull up. Use the switch to open the doors of the Temple. Follow the nearby opening, jump into the water below and, once again, follow either opening to return in front of the Temple.

Inside the Temple – Enter the Temple. The warriors do not awaken, so proceed without fear. Just do not approach the ones that carry a sword or they will cut you. When you reach the other side of the room, pick up the M-16 Clips. The warrior just to the right of the clips may start moving his sword as you approach, so be careful. Go through the opening and climb up the blocks to reach a room with a lava pool and some slides.

Room with lava and slopes – You need to reach the opening in the far left corner above, jumping on four slopes. From the entrance, take a running jump to land on the first slope. Slide until the edge and jump to land on the second slope. Again jump at the edge to land on the third one, jump on the fourth slope and finally jump pressing Action to grab the block. Pull up, climb on the next block and vault on the ledge. Take a running jump to grab the opposite side and pull up. Climb in front of the opening.

Room with two spiked walls – Do not bother with the switch here. You cannot use it and the two trapdoors open as soon as you step on them. For now, be prepared for what follows. Step on the trapdoor backwards, pressing Action to grab the edge. Pull up and take a look below. Two poor guys failed on the mission, because two spiked walls start closing as soon as you land below. You can see the Small Medi Pack between the skeletons, but it is really challenging to get it and leave intact. Depending on if you want or not the Medi Pack, you can do either:

• If you do not care about the Medi Pack, drop to the slide forwards and when you land on the ground, run\ jump towards the switch. Use it to open the gate behind you, roll and run\ jump towards the exit, pressing Action just before you reach it to avoid hitting on the upper part.

• If you want the Medi Pack, hang from the edge, release and slide down without pressing anything. When you drop to the ground, jump backwards to land exactly above the Medi Pack (Lara does not seem able to reach it if you slide down and jump forwards). Quickly pick up the Medi Pack and jump backwards, pressing Roll at the same time to twist in midair. Use the switch to open the gate behind you and again jump backwards, twisting in midair. Run\ jump towards the exit, pressing Action just before you reach it to avoid hitting on the upper part. If you did not hesitate at all, you will reach the opening without losing health AT ALL!

Follow the passage and you will hear the gate closing behind you. Run up the ramp and hide into the alcove on the right hand side to avoid the rolling boulder. Continue up the ramp, but do not step on the one that bends upwards to the left, because another boulder will roll. Instead, drop in the pit to the left of the ramp and climb on the wooden block. A third rolling boulder is about to fall. To totally avoid it, hang from the edge (as shown in this screenshot) and shimmy to the left until you reach the ladder. Pull up and the boulder will not roll. Climb up the two ladders to reach a dark room.

Dark room – You can hear the moving blades, but they are not in this room, so you may proceed freely (and light a Flare to see clearly). On the other side you can see a closed gate that opens by using the switch in the far right corner. This also makes a tiger appear from nowhere, so as soon as you use the switch, side-jump to the left and climb into the opening. The tiger attacks immediately, but if you side-jump to the left and right, you may be lucky and the tiger will not take a lot of your health, leaving for a while and letting you climb into the opening.

Getting past the blades – Light a Flare because you will need it here. Walk up to the edge and take a standing jump to grab the ladder. You need to go down and pass through the two moving blades. Climb down to hang just above the first blade. When it is about to open, release Action and press it again to grab the lower part of the ladder and hang between the two blades. Climb down a bit and follow the same procedure for the second moving blade in order to slide in a room with two rolling blades. Stand with the slide on your right and when the one blade moves to the right and the other towards you, run forward to the wall. Turn left, wait for the blades to move away and go through the opening.

Timed door – You reach an area above the entrance of the Temple, where the warriors are. Draw weapons and kill the two falcons. The door on the right opens with the button on the left, but it is timed and you have about 10 seconds to make it. First, go to the other side where the opening is (opposite the entrance) and notice the slopes alongside. During the timed run, you must avoid the high parts of those ledges or you will get stuck in front of them (as shown in this screenshot). So, make sure you run on the correct side of the slope. Use the button, roll and run\ jump diagonally to the left to land on the first slope. Run from the right hand side and when you step on the second slope, jump once, then jump to the ledge in front on the door. Keep running to pass through.

(Note – Before entering the next room with the swinging spiked balls, take a look above the doorway and you will see a trapdoor. You may decide to come back here later.)

Room with swinging spiked balls – Follow the passage to reach a room with a lava pool, a walkway and four swinging spiked balls. To get past them is fairly easy, as long as you position Lara correctly for the first ball. Stand in the middle of the block which is in front of the entrance and side-step to very right. When the ball moves to the left, take a standing jump to land between two spiked balls. Now hang from the either left or right edge and shimmy to the other side. Pull up between the last two balls and pass the last one. Be careful here not to land into the lava of the opening ahead. To avoid that, you can jump to the either left or right of the opening. When you pass in front of the opening, the gate you came from closes and the trapdoor outside opens.

The passage here is filled with lava and there are decrepit floors beyond. There is also a closed gate that you need to open. The right hand button raises two platforms between the decrepit floors and the opening, and the left hand button opens the gate. Both are timed but since the right button gives you more seconds, use it first, then side-jump to the left, use the other button and run through the passage. As soon as you pass through the gate, the camera shows a boulder rolling from above. Here you can do either:

• When you step on the walkway, drop backwards and grab the edge. That way, the boulder will pass over Lara's head. You can do the same at the other side of the walkway.

Keep running on the walkway, jumping at the same time to gain more distance (press the Look button to break the camera). Jump at the edge of the walkway and grab the square ledge ahead.

Huge room with lava and Dragon – Regardless of the method you used, take a running jump to grab the square ledge opposite the walkway. Pull up and pick up The Dragon Seal. Take a running jump to the ledge on the left of the Dragon and climb up the blocks. Enter the dark passage and draw weapons. Kill the two spiders that attack from the other side and pick up the two sets of Automatic Pistol Clips. Use the switch to raise some blocks back in the huge room with the Dragon.

Exit from the other side, drop to the ledge below and pick up the Automatic Pistol Clips. Drop to the block below, then to the next one. Turn right and take a running jump to the angled ledge, next to the one you got the Seal (on Dragon's body). Facing the lava pool, take a running jump to the pillar on the left hand wall and another running jump to the low ledge below (see this screenshot if you are not sure where you need to jump).

The decorated platform ahead will toss you on the opposite ledge, so stand at the back of the ledge and take a standing jump. Keep pressing forward and you will land on the higher ledge. Immediately hop backwards and grab the edge, because a boulder is rolling from above. Pull up and turn right. Take a standing jump to the next ledge and immediately jump backwards to the previous ledge, because another boulder rolls from above. Jump on the same ledge as you did before and take two diagonal standing jumps for the next blocks (notice the closed gate here? You will not open it if you decide that later). Turn left, jump to the next block and draw weapons; kill the falcon. Turn with the lava pool to your back and stand in the front right corner of the block. Take a diagonal standing jump to the right to grab the block at the top of the slope; pull up.

3rd Secret – Before continuing, let's go for a Secret. Turn around and drop to the slide below. Keep pressing the forward key when you reach the decorated platform and it will toss you onto the wooden ledge above. Turn right and take a running jump to grab the opposite ledge. Pull up and pick up the Jade Dragon (plus eight sets of Uzi Clips as a reward for finding all the Secrets). Take a standing jump to the ledge below (the one you landed on after using the first decorated platform) and jump on the blocks as you did before in order to reach the top.

Take a running jump to the other block at the top of the slope and a standing jump to the ledge in front of the opening. Go through it and pull the movable block twice to reveal an opening. Enter the small dark room and use the switch to open a trapdoor behind you on the right. Carefully drop through it to land in front of a rolling boulder. Go down the passage and quickly enter the opening on the left to avoid the boulder. You slide in the area with the timed door above the warriors. Two tigers are now lurking below, so kill them from above. If they leave, hang from the ledge to lure them back.

(Note – If you want all the kills, you need to pass through the timed door once more. The gate that leads to the swinging spiked balls is closed, but the trapdoor above is now open. You can climb on the rafters above and kill a tiger that attacks. The rafters lead back to the huge room with the Dragon in case you missed the Seal.)

Passage with rolling blade\ room with spiked ceiling – Drop down and place the Seal to the receptacle to open the gate. If upon first entering this room from the outside you alerted the guard near where you got some M-16 clips, he will still be swinging his sword, so be careful. Follow the passage carefully and use the alcoves alongside to get past the rolling blade. The third alcove on the right leads to a slide that gets you into a shallow pool. A spiked ceiling starts to descent, but you have enough time to complete the next part. When Lara lands into the pool, angle her a bit to the right and pick up the Small Medi Pack from the skeleton. There are three switches in the room that open the exit: one in the bottom right corner, another opposite the slide and a third one on the left hand wall. Once you use them, go through the exit.

Pool with current change - Climb on the low block in the corner and take a running jump to grab the higher one at the other side of the waterfall. Pull up and climb on the ledge to the right. Jump into the water to lure a fish, climb out and kill it from above. Facing the pool, the wide opening on the left leads to a passage with a strong current against you, so you cannot swim through it now. Jump into the water and pull the underwater lever #1 to close a door at the end of the passage that turns off the current and raises the water level. Before swimming through the wide opening, swim towards the way you came from and surface. Climb out of the water and pick up the Grenades and the Large Medi Pack.

Jump into the water and swim through the wide opening. At the end, do NOT pull the lever #2 on the left, because it opens the door that turns on the current which will drag you back to the main pool (and it also lowers the water level). Swim through the opening on the right and get the Small Medi Pack. Return back to get some air, searching for another opening at the top of the main pool on the left hand side (notice the closed gate here, you will open it in a while). Return where you got the Medi Pack, pull the lever #3 to open the gate behind you, swim through it and pull the lever #4 to open the big gate back at the bottom of the main pool. Return back there and surface to get some air. Swim back down and through the gate you just opened and pull the lever #5 to open a gate at the top of the main pool (the one you saw when you surfaced). Surface and climb out of the water and through the gate you just opened.

Alternative method - If you want to make everything in one round, here is how you can do it: Pull the lever #1 in the main pool to close the door and stop the current. This also raises the water level. Swim through the wide opening and ignore the lever #2 on the left. Swim through the opening on the right, get the Small Medi Pack and pull the lever #3 to open the gate behind you. Swim through it, pull the lever #4 to open the gate in the main pool and exit. You are probably running out of air, so pull the lever #2 you ignored before. This will turn on the current which will take you quickly back to the main pool. This lever also lowers the water level, so the surface is really close. Once you get some air, swim through the gate and pull the lever #5 to open the gate at the top of the room. Pull the lever #1 again in the main pool to raise the water level. Swim upwards to exit.

Take a standing jump on the block to the left to lure a fish. Kill it and pick up the M-16 Clips. Jump into the water and get the two sets of Shotgun Shells from the skeleton (take a look at the grating above. This is the Room with two spiked walls, almost at the beginning of the level). Approach the opening at the other side of the pool and notice the spiked wall on the right in the next room. Enter, use the switch on the right to open the trapdoor at the other side of the room and quickly fall through it. You drop on a slide that gets you into an underwater tunnel, where the current drags you to the end and above the Gold Key. Get it and swim through the gate that opens as you approach. Get the Small Medi Pack and swim through the tunnel to return back to the entrance of the Temple.

Back to the main pool/ Underwater cave - Swim through either opening to return to the pool with the waterfall. Climb on the wooden platform and use the Gold Key to the keyhole next to the ladder to open the gates on the left. Swim through them and follow the cave as it goes downwards, then to the right. On the T-junction, the left way leads to a closed trapdoor, so go to the right and swim through the open gate on the left (notice the closed gate on the right). The gate closes behind you and a fish attacks. You can either harpoon it or quickly complete the next part. Get the Small Medi Pack from the far left corner and pull the lever between the two columns. This opens the other gate (the left one as you face them from inside) and the trapdoor at the other side of the T-junction. Exit and swim through the trapdoor to reach a pool with a rock structure in the middle. Quickly climb out of the water and onto a wooden ledge that leads to a cave, because another fish attacks here. Kill it from above (along with the other one if you did not do it before).

Spider cave – You are going to pass through a cave with various alcoves and spidders that attack. Draw weapons and enter. A spider attacks, so take care of it. After some steps, kill a second spider. Continue through the cave and turn left. Approach the Flares and two more spiders will attack from the alcove behind the web. Kill them, taking a few steps backwards. If you approach the exact opposite web, two more spiders will show up, but since there is nothing interesting over there, do not bother. Continue down the cave and a giant spider along with a small one will attack when you reach the web. Start shooting whilst tapping\ jumping backwards and once they are dead, pick up the Uzi Clips from the right. Continue through the cave to reach the next room with the hanging sac. A giant spider attacks from there, plus another one from behind.

Room with hanging sac - Drop to the ground, but do not holster your gun. Go to the other side of the area (opposite the entrance) and kill a giant spider that comes from behind. (The following sequence is shown in this screenshot.) Climb on the low brown block and turn with the sac on your left Take a running jump to grab the higher block and pull up. Turn around, take a standing jump to grab the square ledge ahead and pull up (the sac should now be on your right now). Take a diagonal running jump to the next ledge and a standing jump to the next one. Immediately jump backwards and draw your weapons. A giant spider drops from the web, so kill it from here (ok, you are done with them). Jump again to the ledge where the spider appeared and walk almost to the middle of it. Turn to face the sac and take a running jump to the pillar below. Take a running jump to grab the next pillar and pull up. Finally, take a standing jump to grab the edge of the doorway and pull up.

Go up the ramp to reach the opening that overlooks the pool you passed before. Take a running jump to grab the rock and pull up. Climb on the higher one and pick up the Silver Key. Jump into the water, swim through the trapdoor you came from and make your way back to the entrance of the Temple.

Second part of the Temple/ Sidedoor – Use the Key you just got to the receptacle on the right to open the gate. Enter and climb onto the first block. From the bottom left corner, take a diagonal standing jump to grab the next block. When you pull up, a boulder starts rolling so drop backwards to grab the edge. That way, the boulder will pass over Lara's head. Pull up and from the bottom right corner, take a standing jump to grab the third block. Pull up and again drop backwards and grab the edge to avoid the second rolling boulder. Pull up and continue to the cave where the boulders rolled from to find some Automatic Pistol Clips.

Bridge above Temple's entrance - Go through the opening on the left to reach the bridge above the entrance of the Temple. Beyond you can see a tiger, but leave it for now because it cannot reach you here. Kill the falcon that flies from the right. Then carefully approach the end of the bridge and kill the tiger. Keep your weapons drawn, because another tiger is lurking inside; take care of it.

Grab the edge of the angled block, pull up and back-flip onto the higher block behind (as shown here); turn around. Take a diagonal standing jump to grab the ledge in front of the doorway or jump to the ledge on the right and pull up to the doorway. Before passing the rolling blade, notice the opening on the left hand side. There is a slide above the ladder, so take a running jump there, pressing Action to grab the edge. Climb down the ladder and let Lara hang from the bottom. Release and grab the lower ledge. Pull up and pick up the Uzi Clips. Follow the passage and drop through the opening at the end to land in the pool in front of the Temple's entrance. Make your way back to the rolling blade as you did before.

Stand in the corner of the wall, having the rolling blade on your left. When it moves to the other side, side-flip to the left twice to land on the upper ledge. Or, stand at the very right side of the passage, facing the blade and stick your back to the wall opposite the steps. When the blade moves to the left, take two consecutive standing jumps to land on the upper ledge. Go through the opening and freely pick up the Large Medi Pack and the two sets of Uzi Clips. The blade start rolling when you reach almost the middle of the bridge. So, keep going until you reach the other side, cutting to the left where the button is. Push it to open a door inside the Temple. Draw weapons and kill the falcon that attacks. To return back, wait for the blade to come and start following it as it returns back. When you reach the room, turn left.

[Note – There is a ledge you can jump on to the left of the entrance (as you face it). From there, you can jump onto the flat rock below. From the edge, tap back once and take a standing jump (as shown in this screenshot). The ladder that leads to the cave with the unreachable Medi Pack (as described at the beginning of the level) is not climbable, so if try to jump there, you will slide into the pool below. If you want to try this, save your game or you will have to take the long route back.]

Jumping on the platforms - Return back and jump over the rolling blade. To the left, you can see the decorated platforms. Turn to face the platforms and take a running jump to the first one. Do not let go of the forward key. Lara will do the rest: She will jump on the platforms as long as you do not press anything else. When the fourth platform tosses you up, press Action to grab the upper ledge. Pull up and draw your weapons. A falcon flies from the opening on the left, so take care of it. Take a diagonal standing jump to grab the opening and pull up. Go up the ramp to reach the door you opened before.

Chamber with lava and two dragon statues – You reach a chamber with a lava pool. If you take a look around, you will see two dragon statues. Walk to the end of the platform and jump on the single ledge to the right (notice the keyhole here). You now need to reach the block with the ladder at the other side, passing through the passage on the right very quickly before the spiked wall gets you. So, take a running jump to the passage, keep running and jump on the block (as shown here). Quickly climb up the ladder and dismount on the ledge to the right.

(Note – Jump on the block and do not climb on it. If you do the latter, you will lose precious seconds. Also, if you manage to reach the block but do not have time to climb up the ladder, walk to the left side of the block where the spiked wall cannot reach you. Then climb up the ladder at your ease.)

Climb on the next ledge, then in the passage above. The spiked wall starts moving when you reach the middle of the passage, so line Lara to the ladder and take a running jump over the spiked pit to grab the ladder. Climb to the top and go to the right. Follow the way as it goes, taking a mental note of the two closed gates and the trapdoor. At the end of the passage you will find a switch that opens one of the gates - the right hand one as you return back. Go through it.

Area with Dragon #1 – Turn left and take a running jump to grab the square ledge. Pull up, turn right and walk to the front right corner. Take a diagonal standing jump to land on the block with the Main Chamber Key. Alternatively, jump to the next square ledge and then jump and grab the block. Once you get the Key, drop to the Dragon's body. Start sliding down the slopes and when you reach the last (fourth) one, jump pressing Action to land on the block ahead. If you keep landing into the lava, jump pressing the right direction key to land close to the wall. Drop to the lower ledge and position Lara to the middle of the edge. Turn 45 degrees to the right and take a running jump to the platform in front of the entrance, pressing the right direction key whilst in midair.

Back to the entrance – Once again, jump to the square ledge and use the Main Chamber Key to open a trapdoor elsewhere and raise a grating on the column behind you (the camera shows the trapdoor opening and not the grating). So, jump back to the platform and then take a running jump on the grating, or grab it if necessary and pull up. Jump to the block beneath the ladder and climb to the top. Dismount on the ledge to the right and turn around. Jump over the spiked pit, grab the ladder and climb to the top, passing through the trapdoor you saw before (behind you is the switch you once used). Continue through the passage and now go through the gate on the left.

Area with Dragon #2 – This area looks like the other one, so do not get confused. The one you are currently in has a column next to the Dragon and not a block. Turn left and take a running jump to grab the ledge. Pull up and jump to the ledge in the corner. Turn right and take a running jump to the slope. Keep pressing the Jump button to land on the flat part of the Dragon's body and in front of a ladder. If you slide down the slopes on Dragon's body, either load a previous saved game or slide to the bottom. Then take the long route back. Climb up the ladder, passing through the trapdoor you opened by using the Key. Dismount to the left.

Ladders and moving blades – What follows is a series of jumps, passing two moving blades, so save your game here. (The following sequence is shown in this screenshot.) Take a diagonal standing jump to grab the first ladder (the one you just climbed) and climb up until you reach the blade. Here is what you need to do if you do not want to lose health. The blade is moving lined on a rung. Position Lara with her hands on the fourth rung beneath the blade (there should be three rungs between Lara and the blade). Traverse to the left, but do not get out of the ladder. Back-flip to the slide behind and keep pressing the Jump button along with Action to grab the next ladder. There is another blade above, but there is no need to reach it as before. Just hang from the middle of the ladder and back-flip, pressing Roll to twist in midair and grab the third ladder. Climb to the top, then climb to the right to dismount on the safe ledge. Follow the passage to end the level.


« Level 14: Ice Palace Index Level 16: Floating Islands »

We would like to thank Nicky for her help. Many parts of this walkthrough would not have been written without her participation.
Last update:
27 September 2007: Text has been proofed and screenshots have been added.

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