Level 32: The Great Pyramid - How to climb up the pyramid (First Page)

Approach the pit and stand on the extended ledge. Take a running jump across the pit to land on the opposite ledge at the bottom of the pyramid. Turn left and step on the sand, but do not slide down (where the ywllow X shows).

Walk to the edge of the slope and take some steps to the right to reach the sandy slope. Turn slightly right to aim the front of your body at the bottom right corner of the ledge ahead. Tap back once and take a running jump without pressing Action to land on it.

Walk to the edge facing west and take a diagonal running jump to the next upper ledge of the pyramid on the right. Then turn right (north) and climb onto the next ledge.

An alternative route - After jumping across the pit, step on the sand to the left (west) and slide down to the ledge below. Keep facing west and take a running jump to grab the opposite ledge. Pull up and step on the ledge ahead. Turn right (north), climb onto the next ledge, and kill the giant wasp that attacks you from above. Climb up the next two ledges.

Turn right (east) and take a running jump over the slope. You land on the first square of a double-flat ledge. Do not move! A boulder is in now in the process of bouncing its way down the side of the pyramid close to where you are, passing over the second square of the double ledge you are standing (where the yellow X shows). Assuming you manage to avoid it and do not have to re-load your game, walk forward (east) and take a standing jump over the slope.

Again, take a standing jump over the next slope to land on the first square of the double-flat ledge. Once again, do not move from where you are because another boulder has been triggered, passing over the second square of the double ledge you are standing on (where the ywllow X shows). Walk forwards and turn left (north) to climb onto the next upper ledge of the pyramid. Turn right (east) and jump over the next two slopes.

(You are where the ywllow dot is) Keep going east and take a running jump to land on the third square of the slope. You will start sliding down and finally land on a flat ledge at the bottom of the pyramid. A boulder has already started falling down. If you slid forward, you can drop onto the block below. If you slid backwards you can step forward and crouch, then drop onto the block below. If you angle Lara downwards (southeast) and take a running jump towards the slide, she will slide a bit and land on the flat ledge without triggering the boulder!!

Turn to face south (towards the pit) and take a running jump to grab the opposite block. Pull up and turn left (east). Kill the giant wasp that is waiting on the next ledge and take a running jump to land on this ledge (where the wasp was). Turn left and take a running jump to grab the lower rock ahead. You need to be careful because the rock is a bit to the right, which means that you need to stand Lara on the front right corner of the ledge before performing the jump. Once you grab the rock, pull up and climb onto the rocky block ahead.

Step on the sandy slope on the right and climb onto the next upper ledge of the pyramid. Immediately drop backwards onto the sandy slope to avoid the boulder that is falling. Climb onto the ledge again and turn right. Take a diagonal standing jump towards the Large Medipack and pick it up. Then jump to the previous ledge.

Turn to face northwest and take a diagonal standing jump onto the next upper ledge of the pyramid (do not press Action). Do the same thing to land on the next upper ledge of the pyramid (second arrow). Turn left (west) and jump over the slope to land on the flat ledge of the same tier (third arrow).

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