Level 5: Southern Mexico | Part 2: Xibalba

Solving the first calendar puzzle

Grab the jaguar handle and rotate it to either direction...

... until the symbol of the middle wheel faces the Ball Court (it will be lined with the symbol of the outer wheel). As you do that, the inner wheel will also move, but it does not matter.

Now grab the headdress handle and rotate it anticlockwise until you cannot move it farther. This action makes the inner wheel to slide back, thus separating the two wheels. (The outer wheel has been rotated and the symbol does not face the Ball Court, but you will move it back in just a while.)

Go back to the jaguar handle and rotate it to either direction...

until the symbol of the inner wheel faces the Ball Court (it will be lined with the symbol of the middle wheel). This time, the middle wheel will not move.

Once more, grab the headdress handle and rotate it clockwise to bring the symbol of the outer wheel to its original position.


On doing that, all symbols face the Ball Court and the puzzle is solved.

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